Please be aware that Genio-Pago provide both low and high risk products. Please do not hesitate to contact our support.

Your trusted
payment buddy

Secure payments for all kinds of businesses.

Grow your
business, ease!

Simplify payments, secure transactions, and boost growth with trusted tools, even in high-risk industries.

Accept payments

Easily receive money from clients worldwide through our diverse payment options.

Smooth transfers

Conduct single or bulk transfers to bank accounts directly from your SmartPay dashboard.

Grow your store

Our online checkout features our smart payment ordering system, incredible speed.

Online checkout

Our online checkout features our smart payment ordering system, incredible speed.


Our online checkout features our smart payment ordering system, incredible speed.

Payment link

Our online checkout features our smart payment ordering system, incredible speed.


Low-risk payment

Tailored Payment Solution for your business needs

Genio-Pago offers customized low-risk payment processing solutions that cater to your specific business requirements. Our advanced technology ensures secure and reliable transactions, allowing you to accept payments effortlessly, regardless of your industry.

High-risk payment

Secure Payment Solutions for High-Risk Industry

Being high-risk shouldn't mean missing out on rewards. Genie-Pagohelps you get paid securely, no matter your industry. Stop the payment struggles.

Designed for developers

Launch your
products quickly

Accelerate your product launch with Genio-Pago’s unified API. Save valuable development time by easily integrating various networks, tokens, and wallets. Our platform simplifies payment integration, making it easier for developers to focus on innovation.

Read docs

Cost efficiency

Performance optimization

Near Zero transaction fee

Explore Smart
Pay Genie's blog

Dive into the world of payment processing with Smart Pay
Genie's insightful blog.


High-Risk vs. Low-Risk Processing

Unsure whether your business falls under high-risk or low-risk processing? This blog clarifies the distinctions and helps you choose the right path.


Boosting Customer

Creating a secure and user-friendly checkout experience is key to maximizing conversions. This blog


What to Expect in the
Coming Years

The future of payments is full of exciting possibilities. This blog delves into what we can expect in the coming


High-Risk vs. Low-Risk Processing

Unsure whether your business falls under high-risk or low-risk processing? This blog clarifies the distinctions and helps you choose the right path.


Boosting Customer

Creating a secure and user-friendly checkout experience is key to maximizing conversions. This blog


What to Expect in the
Coming Years

The future of payments is full of exciting possibilities. This blog delves into what we can expect in the coming

Build with

Integrate both crypto and fiat payments with a single API.